Dr. Shama Rasheed M.D. | Board Certified psychiatrist

Meet Your Doctor

Shama Rasheed, M.D.

Dr. Shama Rasheed is a double board certified Child, Adolescent, and Adult Psychiatrist with over 20 years of experience in taking care of patients from all walks of life. A proud University of Houston Alumnus and a graduate of UT McGovern Medical School in Houston, she also completed her residency in Adult Psychiatry and Post- Doctoral Fellowship in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in 2004. As a former TV talk show personality, Assistant Professor at the world renowned Baylor College of Medicine-Menninger Department of Psychiatry, and maintaining an international private practice that spans several continents, Dr. Rasheed brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to Texas Psychiatry. She believes in walking alongside her patients in their path towards optimal healing. Dr. Rasheed’s patient centered approach has led to a loyal following of patients that see her as their trusted source for mental health and wellness.

Board Certified Child, Adolescent, and Adult Psychiatrist in Texas

CALL US AT 281-616-3324

Physical Health

Dr. Rasheed believes in healthy lifestyle choices and highlights the importance of diet, exercise, sleep hygiene, hydration, vitamins, and natural remedies such as sunlight and special organic ingredients that provide symptom relief for optimal physical health. She orders regular labwork to check hormone levels, blood levels of essential vitamins and much more in order to ensure the best results.

Emotional Health

We can all work on cutting out external toxicity in our life, but how do we combat a mind that is toxic or self destructive? Dr. Rasheed will teach you how to do both in order to create a mind that is your own safe space. Let’s convert your mind into your own personal best friend! Learning to love yourself is truly the foundation of all healthy relationships! Dr. Rasheed will teach you how to gain optimal emotional health and heal maladaptive patterns of thought to create true,
long lasting healing.

Spiritual Health

A purpose driven life is the key to contentment. Spirituality is the essence of human nature and the foundation for an anxiety free life. Fear stops where Faith Begins! Regardless of where you are in your spiritual journey, Dr. Rasheed will help you to bring out your inner relationship with your higher power so that you may lead a more fulfilling life. Dr. Rasheed will help you discover and define your purpose in life so that you may experience the beauty of your own spirituality.

Intellectual Health

Dr. Rasheed believes that
when your mind and body are healthy emotionally and physically, with a strong foundation of spirituality- then your Intellectual health can shine and you are limitless! We can’t wait to see you reach your highest potential with Dr. Rasheed’s personalized guidance for achieving peak Intellectual health – a combination of educational and career oriented success!

Dr. Rasheed offers telemedicine appointments across Texas for your convenience and comfort. If medications are needed- they are electronically prescribed directly to the pharmacy of your choice. Dr. Rasheed sees her own patients directly and offers you her 23 years of expertise as a physician to ensure you have the best results. She walks alongside you on your path to health and wellness.


Childhood / Adolescent Mental Health Disorders

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Relationship Issues

Drug Abuse / Addiction

Bipolar Disorder


Childhood Development Disorders

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Gender Identity Disorder

Stress Management


Depression & Anxiety

Smoking Cessation

Maggie Lentz

Certified Health Coach

American Council for Exercises, USA Track & Field

I was diagnosed with depression when I was 15 years old. My whole life I’ve been on the up and down roller coaster of prescription medication and self-help. I am a health and wellness coach, an athlete and an entrepreneur and my life is very hectic. I must balance between being a stay at home working mom and also pursuing different goals in life as well as in businesses.

When I started the protocol with Dr. Rasheed I was blown away with her approach. I had never encountered a medical doctor with such detail and holistic regards to my mental health care. I have always taken medication, but I know that medication for my condition doesn’t cure it but helps manage daily life as a mental health patient. However, as a wellness coach I know the root of the problem has to be addressed. No one addressed it until I found New Horizons. I never really understood how this treatment would completely positively change my life because. I never knew I had Anxiety, ADHD as well as a slight form of dyslexia and OCD. All I was told was that I had depression so all I have ever been treated for during the last 26 years of my life was depression. That’s it. Everything else was left undiagnosed and worse untreated because no one could detect it. Until Dr. Rasheed did. Finally, it all made sense. My life and my condition made sense. She gave me the power of knowledge.

I am a believer in her approach. It’s what I knew has been missing from seeing different psychiatrists and therapists through my life. I’ve never really been given a diagnosis like the one I was given by Dr. Shama Rasheed with all the technology and accuracy, based on a clinical research approach. She developed a tailor-made plan for my condition, and I couldn’t be more thankful.

It has taken me so long to find the detailed care herself and her staff has made sure I have. I am 100% satisfied with every treatment that I get. As a health advocate myself, this level of care is what we are missing from our medical field, where the root cause is not usually addressed, and if it is, the approach of “have a pill” to treat symptoms and not the person herself, is a detriment to everyone on this day and age.

Thank you, Dr. Rasheed, and everyone at New Horizon’s. I owe you so much. Thank you.


Crystal Holmes

Neurodiversity Coach

The services in my program were a key catalyst and inflection point that transformed my life from drab in a weary chase of dependency relief to an effervescent feeling of aliveness equipped to weather life’s storms naturally. I learned my DNA gene disposition, lifestyle factors & insights that drove the presentation of my symptoms under medical labels and their role into my health profile. This enabled me to make conscious choices to manage my well-being, heal naturally without harsh side effects and make sustainable life change.

Dr. Rasheed gave undivided attention to listen with empathy to my world, tease out my needs. She conveyed information in a way that I could understand. She invested in placing a premium on your entire experience. I trust that she was well versed in latest developments, emerging trends and innovative treatment options that helped increase my awareness. This engendered a well-rounded program designed to suit my health needs and aligned with my desire for holistic, natural support in health. Overall her upbeat personality, servant leadership, keen sense to tune into details, your body language and emotions brings an elevated quality to care that transcends patient-focused care of familiarity with a chart. Rather, its relational patient care that sees the human side of me. Now I am not just living, I’m thriving!



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